
Monday, September 22, 2008

Some Problems with BrickBuildr

So I got up this morning to check BrickBuildr and there seems to be some problems... A lot of what you see on BrickBuildr is due to Flickr's API... I have a process that runs every Sunday that checks all the photos to see if the photo still exists and if it's still "public" viewable. If something changes, the reference to the photo gets deleted from BrickBuildr... looks like Flickr's API reported A LOT of photos as being deleted.

Good news is, I wrote BrickBuildr so that if something ever happens to the database, I can rebuild it with no problems. So that's what I'll be looking at later today.

So until further notice, consider BrickBuildr broken, until I post otherwise here. :( Sorry for any the inconvenience!

7:53AM UPDATE: Looks like it wasn't Flickr's API, but some changes I made over the weekend to the back-end of the web-site -- I've got some new projects planned, but before moving forward, I wanted to do some clean up on the code. Anyway, long store short, I'm rebuilding the photo database. I should be restored sometime around lunch today (EST).

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