And maybe I wouldn't avoid using stickers (official or otherwise) if: (a) the quality was good, (b) the price per sheet isn't too expensive, (c) it was easy to get replacement (or reproduction) stickers, (d) they enhance the overall LEGO model...
A quick aside: for the past 3 years since joining GFLUG, our club has done an event at Downtown Disney in front of the LEGO Imagination Center called Festival of the Masters (or FotM, this year it's Nov. 7th to 9th for those of you interested in checking our display out).
Anyway, back to stickers... my wife works at a children's hospital & occasionally she brings me home stickers that they were passing out to the kids. So last year, we came up with this brilliant idea of passing out LEGO stickers to kids at our FotM display...

In my search, I ran into this web-site, www.ministickers.nl, and from the pictures, the quality of the stickers look excellent & the prices are decent -- sorry if this is old news, but for me it's an interesting find. I see that they've reproduced replacement sticker sheets for official LEGO sets -- like the McDonald's set, Vestas, and some 12V & 9V sets -- and there's a cool torso sticker sheet.
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