
Friday, June 12, 2009

Brickworld 2009

Public Day Crowd, IV
Public Day Crowd, IV,
originally uploaded by mhuffman.
So there's less than a week until Brickworld 2009 in Chicago. And this year it's going to be crazy with over 550+ attendees! Display space ran out around the beginning of May, but everyone is encouraged to bring their MOCs just in case -- generally people sign up for too much display space, so squeezing in more creations shouldn't be a problem...

Which reminds me, I need to build some this weekend!

If you've never been to a AFOL convention, you need to make the effort to go to one.  You'll find out there's hundreds of people who love LEGO just as much as you do -- excitement, creative synergies, sense of child-like wonder and amazement, laughter... there's a lot of things not captured in photos of these events, that one misses out on.

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