I got a message early this morning saying there's will be a new LEGO store in the Miami area, based upon some information from a recent LEGO store flyer -- looks like there will be new stores in Indianapolis, IN & Beachwood, OH as well. Looks like opening weekend for both stores will be April 8-10th; no word on LEGO's web-site about the Sawgrass Mills store opening, at present. There's also been rumors of a LEGO store opening in Toronto, Canada later this year, so I added a store placeholder to the database.
Decided it was also time to add PaB walls for Legoland Discovery Centers & LEGOLAND Parks world-wide. And figure it was time to do some cleanup work on the View iPaB Walls page -- you'll now see the list ordered by country name, added headers over each country section, and started displaying stores that were in the database, but were hidden because there was no PaB information. I'm hoping by displaying the store names, more people will come forward and provide BrickBuildr with more information.
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