
Monday, February 11, 2008

LAMLradio: LEGO Talk Podcast

A few days ago, I was asked by James Wadsworth to participate in a episode of LAMLradio -- I had a blast. It was a little rough starting out, but after a few minutes, it was like doing BrickNebula all over again. :) I won't spoil the show -- you'll have to listen to it yourself -- but James, Andrew (news editor at BZPower) and myself talk about some fun topics... I just hope I don't embarrass myself too much.

The episode is not up yet, but it should be in the next few days, so look for it.

As a FYI, I updated the BrickNebula web-site today -- added some color to it (it was spammed to death over a year ago, so Dave turned it into a no frills web-site; I'm glad that he did) and added a flash MP3 player. After doing the episode of LAMLradio, I'm excited about doing another BrickNebula podcast sometime soon. Assuming Dave and I can find the time, we might try to put another one together soon -- there's been a lot happened since our last podcast.

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